One painting turns into two paintings turns into three… and pretty soon you have a collection.

Current Series

  • Torn Threads

    Frayed edges and torn hems. Ripped pages printed with line and grungy colors. An exploration of history and memory in fabric and paper and paint.

  • Little Stems

    Ethereal landscapes dotted with blooms that fill the heart with hope. Moments of peace in a world clouded by doubt. Take a moment. Breathe. It’s all going to be ok.

  • Gelli Print Collage

    Printmaking is addicting. The moment when you lay the paper down, the excitement of not knowing how the pull is going to turn out, intoxicating. Welcome to my grungy paradise.

  • The Elements

    Air. Earth. Fire. Water. Soul.
    Five Elements.
    The building blocks of our existence.

  • Inner Turmoil

    It’s just that way sometimes, isn’t it? Too heavy. Too lonely. Nothing makes sense. There are more questions than answers. Did you know that paintings can be prayers too?

  • Voices on the Wind

    For those moments when you think you hear someone calling your name, but the voice is gone before you can answer. If you listen closely, perhaps you’ll hear more clearly next time.